
Eugene C. Ware Search

Green Lake, WI

Eugene C. Ware, 43, of Green Bay

May 25, 2018, Saturday afternoon, Memorial Day weekend, I received a call, looking for assistance to locate a possible drowning victim, in Green Lake, Wisconsin.  Beth and I prepared quickly and headed east. The drowning had occurred at approximately 1 p.m., that afternoon. We arrived at 6 p.m. and found many municipalities aiding in the efforts in spite of the Holiday.

There were a few buoy markers in the water, from local units, of suspected targets.  We were happy to have the assistance from Ripon Fire, on our search.  We were able to immediately find a positive target with our Klein 3900. After rechecking from several angles, we put our Outland ROV outfitted with the Gemini 720Ik sonar into the water, for final confirmation and recovery. We brought him to the surface for the local team . The victim was located in 115 feet of water.  Our sympathies to the family and friends of Eugene C. Ware.map 5-30-18 2